how to use the notebooks

we are so proud to present you a new kind of notebook – a crossover between a regular notebook and a travelers notebook!

your notebook can be totally flexible! the possibilities are endless!

  • normal bullet journal (black, white or b&w)
  • change covers every day, depending on your mood
  • 2 separate notebooks in one cover – one for bujo and maybe one as a diary? work notes? or just a doodle notebook for when inspiration strikes?
  • change notebooks as you need them - bujo at home and a travel notebook while on the road?

so how does it work you ask?

the cover is separate from the booklet.

on the insides of the cover there are 2 pockets, one on each side.

how to use your takkti notebook customize how to insert booklets 

#1 the thick booklet (1x240 pages)


if you get a thick booklet there are 2 ways to use it:

  • when just starting, insert the booklet in the front pocket

    how to use your takkti notebook customize how to insert booklets

    and at the end of the booklet insert it into the back pocket

    how to use your takkti notebook customize how to insert booklets

    and here's a little tip, when you start using the notebook, you can use a paper clip to fix the cover to the notebook for a little extra support while writing! once you get a little farther in the notebook, you won't be needing any!

    how to use your takkti notebook customize how to insert booklets

  • insert the booklet in both pockets at the same time. this is actually my preferred way to use it, but it needs a little practice. the system was actually made for the booklet to be inserted in only one pocket at a time… but if you’re feeling adventurous, you can try it! it might take a while for the notebook to slide with ease, but be patient, you’ll get there!

    how to use your takkti notebook customize how to insert booklets

#2 the 2 separate, thin booklets (2x120 pages)

there are a couple of options for this one – you can get a black and a white one, 2 white ones or 2 black ones! a perfect mix and match to suit every need you might have!

and you can use them like this:

  • insert them both from the inner side of the pockets:

    how to use your takkti notebook customize how to insert booklets

    tip: for easier writing in the beginning, turn the notebook 180° to use the other notebook as a base

    how to use your takkti notebook customize how to insert booklets

  • insert the booklets from the outer side of the pockets:

    how to use your takkti notebook customize how to insert booklets

  • insert one booklet from the outer part of the cover pocket and the second booklet from the inner side of the cover pocket

    how to use your takkti notebook customize how to insert booklets


and that’s it!


choose the way that suits you best and make it your dream notebook!


for further ways to customize your notebook have a look at these posts:


how to make your own notebook bookmark


2 ways with a pen loop


happy customizing!



5 ways to use your customizable takkti notebook insertable booklets